“Easier than drops for my watery eyes”

Peter, Staffordshire

About Hyabak:

“Pri­or to using this prod­uct I was con­stant­ly dab­bing my watery eyes. I found using drops dif­fi­cult, so tak­ing cap­sules was more prefer­able and more user friend­ly for me.

I have been using Hyabak caps now for over 12 months. My eyes no longer water exces­sive­ly and they are much more comfortable.

The red­ness has also dimin­ished. I would high­ly rec­om­mend these capsules.”

Nutri­tion­al Sup­ple­ments for Eye Health

Eat­ing a bal­anced diet is not only good for your gen­er­al health; it’s great for your eyes. When you can’t get the right lev­el of vit­a­mins and min­er­als from the food you eat, you can sup­ple­ment your intake with our com­plete range of nutritionals.

Expert Care Guaranteed

Thea is a company dedicated to eye care and to supporting the education of professionals involved in all aspects of eye health.

We are uncompromising in our approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes.

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Photo of Peter saying - easier than drops for my watery eyes
Photo of Alisa saying - Better than other eye drops
Photo of Tracey saying - best dry eye product

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