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blurred vision icon

blurred vision

All the time

Vision that is blur­ry all the time needs check­ing out by your optometrist first – it may be that you need new glass­es or that there is an under­ly­ing prob­lem that needs man­ag­ing, such as cataracts.

See your optometrist.


Vision that is blur­ry all the time needs check­ing out by your optometrist first – it may be that you need new glass­es or that there is an under­ly­ing prob­lem that needs man­ag­ing, such as cataracts.

You may have Dry Eye.About Dry Eye


red eyes icon

red eyes

Both eyes

The most com­mon caus­es of two red eyes are ​‘Dry Eye’ or ​‘aller­gy’, but it can also mean infection.

You may have Dry Eye, Allergy.About Dry Eye

Just one eye

You should seek the advice of your optometrist, phar­ma­cist or GP as this could indi­cate a spe­cif­ic prob­lem such as an infec­tion or inflam­ma­tion that needs treatment.

You may have an Infection. See your optometrist.


painful and uncomfortable eye icon

painful/uncomfortable eyes


‘Painful’ eyes (one or both) are unusu­al, so this war­rants fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion by your optometrist, who will be able to exam­ine your eyes in full, using spe­cial­ist equipment.

Remem­ber that an eye test is not just about check­ing for new glass­es: optometrists are also trained to detect signs of eye dis­ease and can refer you for spe­cial­ist treatment.

See your optometrist.


If your eyes are uncom­fort­able rather than painful, it could be that the sur­face of your eye needs more lubri­ca­tion, dry eye drops can alle­vi­ate the discomfort.

You may have Dry Eye.About Dry Eye


gritty and sore eyes icon

gritty, sore eyes

Both eyes

If both eyes are grit­ty and sore, most of the time, and there is no dis­charge, you are like­ly to have ​‘Dry Eye’, ​‘aller­gy’ or blepharitis.

You may have Dry Eye and/or Blepharitis or Allergy.About Dry EyeAbout Blepharitis

Just one eye

You should seek the advice of your optometrist, phar­ma­cist or GP as this could indi­cate a spe­cif­ic prob­lem such as infec­tion, or a scratch on the sur­face of the eye that needs treatment.

See your optometrist.


watery eyes icon

watery eyes

Both eyes

If both of your eyes tend to water after being exposed to grass pollen or ani­mals, you may have an eye aller­gy or sea­son­al aller­gy – speak to your phar­ma­cist to find the best solu­tion to resolve it. If both eyes water eas­i­ly in the wind or cold con­di­tions, this is like­ly to be Dry Eye.

You may have Dry Eye.ABOUT DRY EYE

Just one eye

If it is just one of your eyes that seems to over­flow, then get this checked out by your optometrist, who can assess your tear ducts to see if there is a local ​‘eye plumb­ing’ prob­lem that needs treatment.

Speak to your Optometrist.


sticky discharge icon

sticky discharge

You might have a mild eye infec­tion such as con­junc­tivi­tis –
speak to your optometrist or phar­ma­cist for advice.

You may have an infection. See your optometrist.


foreign body sensation icon

foreign body sensation

Both eyes

If both eyes feel like this most of the time, and there is no dis­charge, you are like­ly to have ​‘Dry Eye’, ​‘aller­gy’ or blepharitis

You may have Dry Eye and/or Blepharitis or Allergy.ABOUT DRY EYEAbout Blepharitis

Just one eye

If you feel like there is a for­eign body in just one eye, it could be just that, and if it can­not be eas­i­ly removed, you should get this checked out by your optometrist with­out delay.

Speak to your Optometrist.


sore eyelids icon

sore eyelids

Sore eye­lids indi­cate inflam­ma­tion. Inflam­ma­tion of the eye­lids is called Ble­phar­i­tis which is often asso­ci­at­ed with dry eyes too. Eye­lids need gen­tle care to keep them healthy.

You may have Blepharitis.About Blepharitis


contact lens fatigue

contact lens fatigue

A sim­ple way to improve the com­fort of your con­tact lens­es is to help hydrate and lubri­cate your eyes with Dry Eye drops, but they must be preser­v­a­tive free.

You may need dry eye drops.ABOUT DRY EYE


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We are uncompromising in our approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes.

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Photo of Peter saying - easier than drops for my watery eyes
Photo of Alisa saying - Better than other eye drops
Photo of Tracey saying - best dry eye product

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